Friday, April 27, 2007

Easter Pictures

This year, due to a certain little someone coming a bit early, we were unable to go to church for Easter Sunday. We were a bit disappointed that we could not go to church to celebrate our Risen Lord, so we just had to celebrate at home. Because of that, Gabriel wasn't able to wear his Easter outfit, so we had to postpone picture taking until this Monday! My Mom, Rondi, Karis, Gabriel, Michael and I went to the Botanical Gardens here in Fayetteville and we had a lovely time walking around in the 80 degree weather and perusing the beautiful plants and flowers.

How quickly they grow up.

Some geese at the park.

Gazing at the pond.

My big boy, dressed in his shirt and tie...the pants were too big, thus the untucked shirt. I thought that Daddy would appreciate his California-casual look.


Nancy said...

This was a very nice day together.
I love you Steph.
