Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More snow...and ice!!!

So, we've been having many relaxing days inside lately because of temperatures in the teens, snow and ice making going outside pretty difficult for us warm-weather folk. Finally, we had a few good days where we could go out and play for a bit. Today Michael got to be outside for a few minutes and take a quick sled ride with brother Gabriel.

He didn't like the cold too much and a car coming up the road scared him, so his little adventure only lasted a few minutes!

He was much happier in the warmth of the house...poor little guy!

Brother stayed outside for quite a while and got many sled rides from Mow Mow and Dad Dad. The pavement was so icy that they could pull him up and down the driveway and sidewalk without scraping! So much fun! We have had a great time here in Nebraska and will soon be making our next trip to California. We're going to get to thaw out a bit and have some winter and Christmas fun, California style! Stay tuned for more updates from the Golden State.