Monday, March 2, 2009

Little voices in the monitor

So I am sitting here downstairs taking care of a few things before we start school for the day and I am listening, via the baby monitor, to Gabriel and Michael playing upstairs in Michael's room. Gabriel is being quite sweet, playing so nicely with his baby brother and teaching him everything he knows. At one point he informs his little brother that "dinosaurs live in Africa!" He had explained this to the whole family in the car on the way to church yesterday, so his Daddy and I acted as though it was very interesting and that he was teaching us something new. (We did have the discussion that dinosaurs are no longer with us...and that its a good thing.)

I think its quite adorable to hear the chatter between little brothers. Especially when the older brother is trying so hard to teach his little brother everything he thinks he knows.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute. What a good big brother!

Nancy said...

What amazing grandsons :) and so loveable when you weren't watching!