Friday, October 19, 2007

Another accomplishment!

I still can't believe that Gabriel, our first born, is well on his way to becoming a 4 year old. Although his next birthday is still 6 months away, the things that he is doing now constantly remind me that he is growing up so fast.

What, you say, is the accomplishment that I am speaking of? Gabriel can now give himself a bath! Of course, I am there directing every scrub of the Tow Mater poof and making sure that he is adequately removing the day's grime from his hair, fingernails and such...but, that's still a big accomplishment for a 3 1/2 year old! Since I am able to bathe both kiddos at the same time now, it really helps that while I am cleaning little brother, big brother can kind of take care of himself. He takes so much pride in these little things that he can do for himself. I love to facilitate and sometimes just observe these little victories of my big boy.


Anonymous said...

what a big boy!!!