Thursday, November 22, 2007


So today we woke up to snow here in Omaha! I was so excited that I actually went and got Gabriel out of bed to come see! It was actually 8:45 in the morning, and he is usually up more than an hour before that, so I thought it was safe to wake him :) We had a great day just watching in amazement through the windows from the warmth of the house. Gabriel got bundled up and went out to play with Grandma, Grandad and Ranger for a few minutes, too, while I captured some moments on the camera. We then came inside to warm up with coffee and hot chocolate. We truly enjoyed the first snow day of the season!


Rondi said...

Awe...I LOVE that picture of Gabriel. It warms my heart. I'm so happy to see him all cozy in Omaha with lots of family around! I miss you guys!! Kiss the boys for me :)

Anonymous said...

so fun :)