Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cool Big Boy Stuff, Lesson 1

This morning I was here at my kitchen table enjoying a freshly made latte and listening to a podcast, when I noticed a lack of noise coming from the living room. Gabriel and Michael had been happily playing there with their mass of toys, and I no longer heard playing noises. I walk around to the stairs and there I find Michael 4 stairs up with Gabriel coaching him and praising him to climb higher!!! Gabriel says, "Mommy, look what I teached him! He can go up the stairs now!" I calmly, but quickly, removed Michael from the stairs and told Gabriel that he is such a good big brother and that I am proud of him for teaching Michael something...BUT, Michael CANNOT go up the stairs without me right there to help! It was quite a cute moment, actually. So begins Professor Gabriel's ongoing lessons in cool big boy stuff with Michael as the primary pupil! Lord, have mercy!


Tamera Pelikan said...

Yes, Lord have mercy! Very sweet, however!


Rondi said...

That's the Gabriel I know!! And so, the true interaction begins! We love our sweet McCoy boys :)